Tag Archives: blogs

My Fellow Bloggers

8 Feb

As I may have mentioned in an earlier blog post, this blog was created for my Foundations of English for New Media class. Other members of my class (okay, all of my class members) were required to create their own blogs and the following are a few that I really enjoyed looking at.

The first blog is called Fly in the Social Web, created by DaLadybugMan. I really enjoy the theme of this website, which is related to the title. A good example of this classmates used of theme is represented in his first post. DaLadybugMan states, “…I’ve got all sorts of fellow flies and other insects to keep me company and interact with.”

The second blog is called A Study in New Media, created by Ashley. I like the simple background and easy to read links and titles for this blog. Because there aren’t a lot of photos in the background I stay focused on Ashley’s posts. On this blog I viewed a stop motion presentation Ashley put together for our class. I really enjoyed how she conveyed the shift between written words and words on the computer.

The third blog is called The Artist’s Reward, created by Brianna Prill. The video she created for our class discussion incorporated blogging and sharing (so the social media aspect of English for Media) which I really enjoyed. I also like the layout of her blog and the starburst colors in the background.